Welcome to Laurie’s Big Blog – March 2024

Every month we will identify the most commonly asked questions about ectopic pregnancy and answer them. If you have any further questions which you cannot find answers to on the website, please can you contact us.

When is methotrexate given to treat ectopic pregnancy?

The decision to use methotrexate depends on clinical assessment and transvaginal scan results. Also, the patient needs to understand and be able to attend a number of hospital follow-up appointments

How is methotrexate given?

Methotrexate is calculated in terms of body weight. It is given by intermuscular injection  and occasionally a subsequent dose may be required

What are the possible side effects and risks of taking methotrexate?

Side effects may be nausea, and an increase in lower abdominal or pelvic pain may occur. Risks are that it may not be effective in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy and very careful follow-up hospital appointments are required.

Is there anything that I should avoid whilst taking methotrexate?

During treatment with methotrexate, you should avoid alcohol and also take care not to become pregnant. After being successfully treated you should leave at least six months before trying for a subsequent pregnancy

How will I feel when taking methotrexate?

Methotrexate may cause nausea and possibly an increase in pelvic or lower abdominal discomfort or pain. Treatment and hospital appointments can be a difficult and stressful time and support from family and friends may be of benefit
For  information on the use of methotrexate  see the section on the use of it on the Ectopic Pregnancy Foundation website