This section of the website contains an overview of ectopic pregnancy, including history, investigations, and types of laparoscopic surgery that can be undertaken for this condition. Also included is a summary of the most recent MBRRACE-UK Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths – Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care (2019) report which includes a review on ectopic pregnancy.
Please use the menu below to navigate content for more topics relating to ectopic pregnancy.
In Perspectives, a number of different health professionals give their take on ectopic pregnancy.
The multiple choice questions (MCQ) are suitable for all Obstetricians and Gynaecologist and may be especially suitable for all those preparing for MRCOG part 2. There are 2 MCQ’s sets. Part 1 are questions 1 – 10 and part 2 11 – 20. Each question has 5 possible true or false answers. We recommend you give yourself 45 minutes per part. After completion you will receive by email a certificate with your name, the date which you completed the MCQ and your percentage score. You will also be able to view the questions with the explanation of the correct answers.
The multimedia section includes ‘live surgery’ demonstrating different laparoscopic techniques.