Welcome to Laurie’s Big Blog – April 2023

Every month we will identify the most commonly asked questions about ectopic pregnancy and answer them. If you have any further questions which you cannot find answers to on the website, please can you contact us.

Are there genetic risk factors that increase your chances of an ectopic pregnancy?

Although different areas of the world have different rates of ectopic pregnancy ( in a paper I had published in a peer reviewed medical journal I reported the highest rate in the world in City and Hackney health district ) there is no evidence that there are any genetic links to ectopic pregnancy.

Do different countries treat ectopic pregnancies in different ways?

The treatment of ectopic pregnancy depends on the health resources equipment and clinical skills of the doctors managing the case . In Europe and America quantitative bHCG transvaginal scans and laparoscopic surgery or medical treatment with methotrexate would be available as diagnostics options these diagnostic methods and laparoscopic surgery may not be possible in some developing countries.

What can I do to help the recovery process after an ectopic pregnancy?

The physical recovery depends on the type of surgery that you have had with laparoscopic surgery women are usually discharged from hospital within 25 hours if you have had open surgery ( laparotomy) the hospital stays is several days and full physical recovery could take weeks. Ectopic pregnancy may have psychological effects which maybe under reported (see the psychological impact of ectopic pregnancy on the website).

Does an ectopic pregnancy always require surgical intervention?

When the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy has been confirmed there may be various management options available. Depending on the investigation and clinical picture not all women require surgery, some may be managed conservatively or medically with methotrexate but they will require very careful follow up (see the website on medical and surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy).