I recently had an emergency left salpingectomy following an ectopic pregnancy and I thought I would share my experience with this foundation.
My symptoms/information received when scanned internally and externally:
- Pain was deep and in the centre of my lower pelvic area and pain when opening my bowels
- Bleeding started 24 hrs after the pain
- POD fluid was more than normal – it measured 28x21x25mm
- I was 7 weeks pregnant
- I had a history of PID and chlamydia
- My Hormone levels were still increasing
Initial appointment was to see an out of hours GP as I had been suffering from lower mid abdominal pain, back and rear/ rectal pain all day. Whilst there, the GP did a urine sample to check for UTI. This was negative but he also wanted to rule out an ectopic pregnancy so I was referred to a Gynaecologist on the same evening.
After some time waiting for what I was told was, the Gynaecologist having to track down the scanning machine, 2 doctors / Gynaecologist’s arrived with a scanning machine. Upon arrival at approx. 23-45, they advised me (I quote) “the machine is crap, so we may not be able to see anything”. Having then scanned me externally I was advised that they weren’t sure if they could see a gestational sac or not and questioned me whether I was sure I was pregnant and if I was sure of the dates I had given (with regards to my last period).
I had done 7 pregnancy tests at home (all positive) so I knew I was pregnant and I advised them of this.
I was then asked to do a urine sample to test for pregnancy hormone. I was told this came back negative and they made a point of telling me they had actually done two tests, both of which showed negative.
At this point I became confused and upset. Seeing this, I was asked if I wanted a blood test to give a 100% conclusion.
I agreed to this as wanted clarity on the situation. I was told that the results would take a couple of hours and was asked if I wanted to wait at the hospital or go home and receive a telephone call once the results were received. In this conversation I was told that the most likely scenario was that I had miscarried early into my pregnancy. As the expectation had been set with me that there was little / nothing further that would happen that evening, I asked for a telephone call and left the hospital at approx. 1-30am.
At approx. 3-30 am, I received a telephone call explaining that my blood tests had come back positive and as a result of this, I should attend an appointment two days later
I attended my appointment at the Early Pregnancy unit. At this stage I was in more pain and was now bleeding. Here, I was scanned both externally and internally. I was told there was no gestational sac in my uterus, my right tube/ovary appeared fine. However they couldn’t see my left tube/ovary due to bowel gas. They also advised that there was some fluid in my POD and as a result of their findings, they felt I had miscarried early into my pregnancy.
After the scan I met with a nurse to discuss the findings in more detail. The nurse repeated that the most likely scenario was that I had miscarried early into my pregnancy but she wanted to check my hormone blood levels again to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
After taking my blood I was sent home.
At approx. 13-10 I received a telephone call to advise that my hormone blood levels had risen (in comparison to those taken two days earlier) and that I would need to see a consultant. I was advised that the earliest opportunity to do this was two days later. Knowing the potential dangers of ectopic pregnancies I asked if I could be seen again immediately or at least sooner than the Friday, but was told that there were no available appointments and was referred to A&E in the event of any complications. Becoming increasing concerned at this stage, I arranged a private appointment with a Gynaecologist on the same day, my appointment was at 4-30 pm, at 6pm (an hour and a half later) I was being operated on for an ectopic pregnancy in my left Fallopian tube. The consultant Gynaecologist had to remove the ectopic pregnancy along with my left Fallopian tube.
I am currently having counselling to help me get through this terrifying and sad experience.